Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Week 8 - We Understand

So the meeting on Monday could be described as brutal.  Some of the medical team hinted that it would be better for Zachary to go home with us and not undergo any medical intervention like surgery.  They would manage his pain and Zachary would die in peace.  Others, said that if this was their child, they would try to do everything that they could to increase his odds at life. 

We were encouraged to take a look at the whole picture with Zachary when we met with Zachary's medical team. 
  • We understand that the expert surgeons and doctors at PCH are uncertain of the outcome of the needed surgeries for Zachary.
  • We understand that there will probably be multiple times that Zachary will code (and the medical team will have to revive him).
  • We understand that Zachary will probably have a really small chance to live a normal life like we understand it. 
  • We understand that there will be unknowns ahead that we cannot possibly take into consideration at this moment. 
  • We understand that the tracheal slide will probably be the first of several surgeries that Zachary will need to live and even if this surgery is successful, he may not be able to undergo/survive his first heart surgery. 
  • We understand that his last week/month on earth could be excruciatingly painful for him (and us). 
  • We understand that God is in complete control of this situation.  
  • We understand that life is sacred and worth fighting for. 
  • We understand that Zachary has already surprised the medical team at PCH (in a good way). 
  • We understand that by God's grace, there are not more babies born like Zachary. 
  • We understand that Zachary was given to us so that God may be glorified. 
  • We understand that God and His people will rally/support/carry us thru this. 
  • We understand that God is bigger than this. 
  • We understand that no matter what, God knows what is going to happen. 
  • We understand that we really want to assist Zachary with college plans (but submit to God's will).
The neonatologist (doctor for the NICU) ordered an MRI on Zachary's brain. They did this because they noticed that his brain was not growing and even possibly shrinking. If it is shrinking, the brain is dying. The MRI report concluded that his brain is not shrinking but growing at the same slow rate as the rest of Zachary. (Really, Really Good News!!)


  1. So glad to hear the MRI looked good! Have been praying specifically for that, and am so glad the news was positive! Will continue praying that God would give you both direction and peace about the path ahead of you, and that He will continue to do amazing things through Zachary!

  2. David & Becky ~ I think your points of understanding #1 & #4 (after the "However") far, far outweigh any of the previous points. Difficult path with perhaps painful choices has been unveiled before you. But you know you walk it with Jesus, the Creator's Word; and the many prayers of support from the saints He has chosen to place all around you. Your beautiful boy Zachary has touched so many hearts & lives already...

  3. Praying for you all these days.
    Mercy & peace.
    Philip & Delinda
