Friday, January 31, 2014

Quick update

This past week we met with the palliative doctor who will be managing Zachary's case.  She has a few different roles in his care.  First she is another advocate for him and us.  She will forward our questions or concerns to the correct surgeon/doctor.  Second, she will coordinate meetings between the surgeons/doctors and us.  She likened the idea of getting all of Zachary's surgeons in the same room with herding cats. Third, she will help guide us to answer the questions no parent should have to answer.

Next Monday afternoon we are having the first meeting with (hopefully) all of the surgeons and some of the critical doctors managing Zachary's case.  This is a very crucial meeting.  We need to get as many answers as we can to determine what is the best course of action for Zach Attack.

Please pray for this meeting. Please pray for wisdom for all parties involved.  Please pray that God would be glorified no matter what happens.  Please pray for all of the surgeons/doctors that need to be at the meeting to show up and be prepared.  Becky and I have been developing our questions and trying to soak up as much medical knowledge for this meeting as we can.

This is a very important meeting.  Thank you all for praying!!  You guys are incredible!


  1. Look at Zach adoring his mother in the family photo!

  2. I love the picture of Becky and Zach...he is a lucky baby to have such an amazing mama!
