Thursday, May 28, 2015

Surgery No11

Tomorrow is Zachary's 11th surgery. We will keep this particular blog post updated as time permits. 6am check in for a 7:30 surgery start. Thank you for praying. God is always Good!

6am in Pre Op
Waiting for the docs to visit before the operation. 

The hardest part of today: the hand off to nurses. 

9:30am Waiting Room Update
Zachary is out of surgery. It went great and as expected. Cord involved but easily separated. Hoping for a 24 hour stay. Thanks for praying. 

Pics to follow. 
Zach is still sleeping. Only one med pump!!!! 

Here are the steps we are expecting today:
1. Resume feeds at low rate. (Done)
2. Get Zach on full feeds (done)
3. Get pain under control. (We need some more work here. )
4. Get past 24 hours so he is allowed to sit up. (Docs don't want his spinal fluid to build up at the surgery site. )
5. Keep overall fluid under control. (He can easily become overloaded which means a longer stay. )
6. Encourage the docs to complete discharge paperwork. 
7. Drive away as fast as you can in a celebratory riot kind of way!!!

Zach sure likes those toothettes! (Stick with a sponge to wet babies lips)

7:30pm at Home
Reading one of the boys favorite books. It is one made for us so the boys could see how cool the PCH campus and staff is. We asked them to make the hospital less scary for a 2 and 4 year old. 

No matter how today turned out we serve a great God. We are very thankful for all these blessings!!!!!

Saturday May 30th. 
Going home. 


  1. Praying for you and asking you both to slip in a little prayer for my beautiful 91 year young mama, as she us in surgery right now to have her gallbladder removed...prayer all goes well and she has a good recovery....Love you guys. God is good. Faith and Trust....

  2. Hope things are going well...passing this info to our blog to update our praying ladies at Palmcroft...A little behind due to my mom's surgery yesterday. By the way...she is doing ok. Planning for her to Rehab by Monday. Praying for you all.
