Tuesday, June 16, 2015

His Answer was Not Yet

It has been awhile since we have updated.  Zachary's last major surgery was on his spine.   It went perfectly and he recovered better than any of his other 10 surgeries.

As we try to help Zachary normalize, we are working on standing, walking and eating.  In each area he is improving greatly! One of his therapists commented on his cognition.  She said that he doesn't act like he had extensive hospitalizations due to his quick improvements.  Since she sees a lot of kids, this is really good!

I've been thinking these past few weeks about how Zachary is becoming more and more "normal".  We have been able to talk about fixing his hands and working on walking.   Those are things that we never thought we would be able to talk about.  God is good!

David said just last night how when we found out we were pregnant with Zach people would ask if we wanted a girl since we already had two boys.   Our response was always "it doesn't matter, we just pray for a healthy baby".  When we found out about some of Zachary's medical conditions we were mad/sad/frustrated/confused that God was not answering our prayers.  Yesterday, we realized that God's answer was not 'Yes' nor was it 'No' but His response was 'Not Yet'.  Maybe, just maybe God has a plan for Zachary that is beyond our understanding.  Despite how we feel at the moment, He is in control.  He is making Zachary more and more healthy everyday.  There is NO way Zachary would be where he is today if it wasn't for everyone praying their little hearts out for our little guy.

Next on the agenda for Zachary will be his GI surgery which will probably be towards mid/late July.  Then we will figure out what we will do and where we will go to have his index finger moved over to be his thumb.  Thank you for continued prayers for this long, long ride we have.

I'm other news.  We took Micah to see Zachary's ENT doctor because Micah has had many cases of strep in the last few years and two times this year already.   We had a consult to see about having his tonsils taken out. And sure enough, he will be having them out sometime in the next couple of weeks.  The doctor doing Micah's surgery will be the same doctor that saved Zachary's life back in February 2014.  

Rockstar for Life!


  1. God is SO good! Praises--and He is on this journey with you!

  2. God is good.Faith and Trust....love you guys...
